Apprentice Needed!!
We are looking for an apprentice to join host Mike Miller filming an upcoming episode of Angler & Hunter Television!
The selected applicant will join Mike on a hunting or fishing adventure to be filmed for TV and shared on our YouTube channel.
Between the ages of 12 and 14 with a passion for the outdoors? Want to be the next Angler Hunter TV apprentice? Here’s how to qualify:
- With your parents’ permission, post photos or 20 second video letting us know what makes you the perfect candidate
- Use the hashtags #anglerapprentice or #hunterapprentice
- Tag the @AnglerHunterTV on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account*
- Follow @anglerhuntertv on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe on YouTube
- Hunter Apprentice must have valid Ontario Hunting License
- Must be member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)
* – youth without a social media account may use parents’ account to post (with permission of course)
Good luck to all the youth anglers and hunters out there! We can’t wait to see your submissions!

This could be the ultimate jumpstart to having your own Hunting and Fishing social media presence!
Like to be a sponsor?
Ask us about becoming an Angler & Hunter Television sponsor. Call us at 705-748-6324 ext 257 or email us.
Ask us about becoming an Angler & Hunter Television sponsor. Call us at 705-748-6324 ext 257 or email us.