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Grilled Spring Bear

— EPISODE DETAILS  — Angler & Hunter Television host Mike Miller’s daughter, August, is looking to punch her Ontario bear tag with the hopes of harvesting an eater sized bear that can be prepared for a BBQ at the hunt camp for all the crew....

Episode 3: The 3 Bears

With the Ontario spring bear hunt in full swing and the black bear population thriving, host Mike Miller sets up a stand close to home and spends a few days in a tree with his daughter August in hopes of harvesting a bear in the woods. All less than 30 minutes from...

Episode 4: First Timer Black Bear

Host Mike Miller heads to the Rivard Camp in Thunder Bay in hopes of harvesting his first bear with his Bowtech Reign 7 compound bow. Mike is joined by Robyn Moyle who, with the help of past OFAH President Glenn Rivard, looks to harvest her very first black bear....

Episode 4: Great Big Mother of a Bear

In this episode host Mike Miller takes part in Ontario’s second year of the Spring Bear hunt pilot program. The bear population is on the increase and Mike is hoping he can get a shot with his Excalibur at a true Thunder Bay giant. Catch the full episode on My Outdoor...